Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Academic Gardens Graduation Ceremony Performances (Thursday, June 16, 2005)

I wanted to post some screenshots of the kids in two separate performances.
Here are the links to download the performances:

1. Minnie's performance of "Four Leaf Clover":

2. Anita's performance of another version of the ABC song with sign language!

They are 28 MB .MOV files and can be viewed using QuickTime. One of the songs Miinnie's class sang was "Four Leaf Clover." Yummers' class performed "A You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song)."

Screenshot of Minnie's performance: "Four Leaf Clover"

Another screenshot of Minnie and class at the end of "Four Leaf Clover"

Eric, Cydney, Nick V and Anita doing the "A You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song)."